Feb. 23, 2022
HARRISBURG – In response to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to use a partisan Democrat congressional map in the coming election, Rep. Seth Grove (R-York), who proposed using the citizen-map drawn by Lehigh Valley resident Amanda Holt, issued the following statement:
“Today’s decision by the court was shamefully partisan. In its ruling, the court said elected members of the General Assembly, who are tasked with ensuring the voices of Pennsylvanians are heard, don’t matter. Instead, the court said the National Democratic Redistricting Committee outweighs the voice of the people. The court justices who selected the map bowed to the wants and wishes of their Democratic National Committee handlers.
“The court also ignored the recommendation by their own selected special master, Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough, who was charged with endorsing a fair and just map, to use the citizen-drawn map. In her recommendation, McCullough noted the citizen-drawn map should be used ‘as it meets all of the traditional criteria of the Free and Equal Elections Clause.’ Unfortunately, the map chosen by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court today is nothing but a partisan ploy in a process that should be free of political bias. Once again, we have seen the Democrat majority on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court completely ignore the facts and evidence brought forth by their own special master. Applying facts and evidence is the backbone of their duties as judges and they failed.
“With the swipe of their pens, four Democrat justices from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia eviscerated the months of work the General Assembly and the citizens of Pennsylvania put into developing a fair and constitutional congressional map. Obviously, the message was clear by the courts: it doesn’t matter what process the General Assembly or the people use, we care more about the opinions of partisan national groups.
“Today is truly a sad day for democracy and the founding principles of our great nation.”
Click here to view the PA Supreme Court Selected Map.