Grove Seeks Answers Through RTKs on Wolf No-Sport Edict
HARRISBURG – On the heels of Gov. Tom Wolf’s sudden recommendation for schools to suspend sports until Jan. 1, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) filed a series of Right-to-Know (RTK) requests with the Department of Health and Department of Education. The requests seek the data Wolf used to make his decision.
Grove issue the following statement:
“Wolf made this major announced in the last minute or so of a press briefing and was haphazard at best. I suspect the decision of disallowing sporting events this fall was just a cavalier announcement. If so, this is an extremely irresponsible way of governing.
“To get to the bottom of how the decision was made to end fall youth sports and pursuant to
Act 77 of 2020, I filed two RTKs with the Department of Health and the Department of Education requesting the data and models used to reach their new recommendations on youth sports.
“As the decision has just been made, the Department of Health and Department of Education should readily have their data and models available. Since state employees are telecommuting to work, the data and models should be in electronic format. For these reasons, these agencies should not need an additional 30 days to provide readily available electronic documents.”
“This is precisely why the General Assembly unanimously adopted Act 77 of 2020, to ensure the public has the exact reasons and data on why decisions are being made during emergency declarations. During these times, the public deserves more transparency not more decisions shrouded in darkness.”
Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /